Wednesday 27 February 2008

OMG - it moved again!! Shake, Rattle and Roll...

They didn't prepare me for this in Tart School - this time we were tremoring in earnest! The World moved for real ...... Don't tell me you slept through it all?!
There we were settled in our trays, York began to quieten down (it was a Tuesday night) - when BANG-Crash-Shudder - we thought the night club above had suddenly livened up again!! It turned into a 5 tray rumble as all the Combis shook, Jars moved to shelf edges and the Samplers all turned their backs and hid their labels ..... "Mediterranean Cyprus" stood firm and with help from a very calm "New Zealand Berry" (who would have thought she'd be calm with such a red face!??) pacified us and allayed our fears, they'd heard it all before.
Poor "Wedding Day" was beside herself, she thought it was the END and she still hasn't had her big day. She might yet make it to a honeymoon!
Well, isn't life full of surprises? We forgot all about the "Coffin" that was due until "Clean Cut Cotton" (she's a sharp one and no mistake) hissed to us all that one was arriving ...... it was only one of those CGB boxes, they're just so big that John always calls them coffins - and he nearly breaks his neck taking them down the stairs!

I can't stay longer now - Kate is cramming top-ups all over us and then we think she's away for a few days rehearsing - we can't think what she's rehearsing, she's a student so she's well practised at that already??? I'll let you know when she gets back, there's bound to be a bit of gossip to pass on, though I'm not always sure I understand it all!

Byeee for now, and feel free to send us any messages you like (be nice - we're quite fragile).

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